miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

What is a pun?

I have played with the words since I was a child. I always had a notebook on my desk ready to write everything was funny, like my classmates’ comments even teacher’s. I have played with my parents to create words while we were travelling by car in order to get the journey was less boring.

What started like a game, it became being one of my biggest hobbies, creating sentences with double sense or inventing new words and, of course, writing poetry but my poems are always so sad that I prefer to start this blog with “puns”, I will leave the poems sometime in the near future.

"What do you mean I'm not a bear? I have all the KOALIFICATIONS!"

Play on words makes laugh and makes think, it is very interesting to get different meanings from a same sentence, because the message is the most important. This can show us that language is something alive, the meaning of the words is not only in the dictionary, we can mix them and find other meaning . Other deciding factor that we have to bear in mind is the moment when we create the pun, because it is sometimes interesting explain the situation to get a bigger understanding of your pun.

On the other hand, I think that the most difficult is that we are going to try it in other language, English. When we are creating a pun, we cannot translate from Spanish, each language has its own sounds and meanings, we must think in English. However you do not need to make it difficult, sometimes the most simple pun will be the best one. We can do our “puns” in a plain way and visiting the webpage shown below will help you.

"He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends"

I would like to write interesting puns this year and I encourage you to try to do it too, we will be more creative and we will enjoy as we were children. 

Furthermore, it would be interesting for you to visit the following website if you want to know something more about puns: www.buzzle.com/articles/puns-for-kids.html