domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

Creating a fairy tale character

Hello again partners,

As you know, we have been creating several fairy tale characters in the different groups of seminars recently. In my case, we were working about it the last week in my correspondent group of seminar and I really enjoyed it.

Before doing the task we were discussing and working about some fairy tale characters. First of all, we were talking about becoming a fairy tale character if we could choose it. Every pupil said the character they felt more identified or simply their favourite one and we had to give the reasons why we had chosen it. For example, I would like to be “Simba” because he achieves whatever he proposes and he fights for everything he desires. After this, we were given a list of character motifs with their correspondent characteristics, and we had to think about an example of characters which represent him/her. Also our teacher gave an example of a fairy tale character she had invented completing a list of characteristics related to that character. Finally, we started to do the task, completing every characteristic of the fairy tale character we were willing to create such as: appearance, personality, thoughts, goals, interactions with other characters, etc. Furthermore, our teacher told us two websites to find key vocabulary and carry out the activity in an easier way. As we did not have enough time to finish the task in the classroom we did it at home. The aim was none other than creating a new believable fairy tale character.

In addition, this is a very good task to do with children because it has got many different benefits such as: strengthening their creativity and imagination when inventing a character with a specific role and it promotes the incorporation of ICT in the classroom and the development of digital competence. This task also lets work students’ language skills and brings a different and a fun way to present content; this kind of activities can motivate students. Besides, this task can assume different roles and make decisions taking into account different perspectives and characteristics of inventing a character.

In this sense, I remember when I was a twelve years old our language teacher gave us the beginning of a story and we had to end up it in the way we desired. Other times he gave us the end of a story and we had to invent just the beginning of it. It was fantastic because the teacher promoted our imagination when doing this kind of activities.

To sum up, I think this sort of activities are very nice to do with children because they involve their creativity since they have to create a character and they have to think about the role whose fairy tale character is going to invent. So I encourage you to let children to involve their imagination because it is a very important section which is worth to be developed.

See you in the next post m8s

1 comentario:

  1. Great, Miguel. I think that you have reflected on the wide range of possibilities the character card activity can bring into your classroom. You can adapt it according to your students' age and level, and it can be expanded by creating stories with the characters designed... Well done!
